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《复联4》导演问候中国粉丝 用中文说“中国加油”

时间:2023-07-15 04:07:45 来源:www.lukongsong.com 人气:

今日《复联3》和《复联4》导演乔·罗素在个人微博上发布了视频,在视频中他向中国的粉丝问好,希望中国的粉丝和家人都平安,最后还代表自己的哥哥东尼·罗素一起问候中国观众:中国加油!微博原文如下:Hi everyone, this is Joe Russo. I just want to say hi to all our fans in China, and to let you know that our hearts are with you at this time, and we hope that


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Hi everyone, this is Joe Russo. I just want to say hi to all our fans in China, and to let you know that our hearts are with you at this time, and we hope that you and your families are staying safe. From my brother and I to you Zhong Guo Jia You!


《复联4》导演问候中国粉丝 用中文说“中国加油”

《复联4》导演问候中国粉丝 用中文说“中国加油”

《复联4》导演问候中国粉丝 用中文说“中国加油”

《复联4》导演问候中国粉丝 用中文说“中国加油”
